When you post your assessment up!!

Please include your name, the movie and your ID number in the title! Also, please use the LABELS section for the post.

E.g. for title:
Mia - 4030 - Lost in Translation

E.g. for labels:
Lost in Translation, loneliness, analysis
Anything & Everything about Film

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



Individual Film Analysis (1500 words)


ONLY movies which we cover in this subject:

  • The Virgin Suicides - Sophia Coppola
  • Lost in Translation - Sophia Coppola
  • Raging Bull - Martin Scorsese
  • Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese
  • Reservoir Dogs - Quentin Tarantino
  • Kill Bill 1- Quentin Tarantino
  • Franks Wild Years - Jesse Richards
  • Dogville - Lars Von Trier

  • Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee
  • Breathless - Jean Luc Godard


  • Marie Antionette - Sophia Coppola
  • Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino
  • Kill Bill 2 - Quentin Tarantino


WEEK 6 Friday 12PM



Happy to watch movie

Since now all movies I watched are so cool !! Hope to watch next one


hi~~this is my first post at here~~hahahahahaha~~~~~~~~

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do the right thing(review)

It is talking about in a New York city, there are lots of African or some Korean people live there. They're working in restaurant or converent shop. They use different shot,for example:long shot, medium shot. The boss of the prize shop, his name called Salvatore 'Sal' Fragione. It has 3 people work in there, Sal usually punish his brother because he think his brother is not very smart. The end the prizze shop fired and then the shop member, they don't have job.I think it is not a good ending because the shop close and one people die in the end.

directed by Spike Lee

Lost of translation(review)

I love the character who called Bob,he is a funny man and his job is a TV reviewer in Japan to sell a wine product. He likes drinking wine at night in a hotel club and he usually see a girl drink wine alone. She called Charlotte. She go to japan because she goes to meet her friends and she goes to travel around japan.She is marry and his husband is a photography so he need to take photos and put his photos in the gallery.

Scarlett Johansson ... Charlotte

Bill Murray ... Bob Harris

Giovanni Ribisi ... John(Charlotte wife)

Movie(The Virgin Suicides)

I don't like the end because all the important actress die,and the end their parents move to other place because their daughter Suicides themselves,so they want to move to other place to live. I think their daughter Suicides because their parent don't give them freedom and they just keep them at home. They have dream and they write down in a diary. I like the boy who called Josh. He is tall and he attractive all the girl in the school but expect Lux, I like him because when he walk, he walk different than other people.It is funny because ' When the boys and girls are calling each other to play songs on the record player, they don't use the standard '555-' phone numbers used in television and film'. The end, I like this movie because it is talking about a teenager life but the ending is a sad situation.

one of my fav movie!its novel is great!

My Sister's Keeper
this movie let me think about my childwood.
i wanted have a big brother or sister when i was a kid caz i want someone can protect me when i was bullyed. i want someone can attend me when i was lonely. but this wish be truth? i think i will hate my sise or bro.....
am i crazy?
i think Nick Cassavetes want to show the both sides of the families and patient's feeling
but it can't show clearly in the movie. it makes me feel confuse and it can't show the novel touch
Director:Nick Cassavetes
Writers (WGA):Jeremy Leven (screenplay) andNick Cassavetes (screenplay)

My Sister's Keeper is about Anna Fitzgerald, a 13-year-old girl who enlists the help of an attorney, Campbell Alexander, to sue her parents for the rights to her body. Kate, Anna's older sister, suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Anna was conceived through in vitro fertilization to be a donor who could save Kate's life. Her parents initially use Anna's umbilical cord blood to treat Kate, and continue to use Anna as a donor for other bodily substances as Kate cycles through remission and relapse over the years. Anna is usually willing to donate whatever Kate needs - blood, bone marrow - but a kidney transplant would be a major surgery for not only Kate, but Anna as well and living with one kidney would affect her greatly. Anna eventually petitions for medical emancipation so that she will be able to make her own decision concerning donating a kidney to Kate, who is experiencing renal failure. Sara, her mother, is an ex-lawyer and decides to represent herself and her husband in the lawsuit. She continually attempts to convince Anna to drop the suit, but Anna refuses to do so.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hey,Little Movie Monsters,Tell Us What's Your Fav Film

Hey Folks,What is your Favorite Films?Please Let Us Know
As I posted before my NO.1 film is Amelie - an French romance. I really want to hear what is your favorite because sometimes a film can change your whole attitude about life. For example, my mom told me Star Wars started her dream to explore outer space(but she is still living in the earth). Also this film by George Lucas became a pioneer to many other young directors.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Marry Me - My NO.1 Short Film

Amelie - My Favourite Feature Film